Serial podcast episode 9 summary
Serial podcast episode 9 summary

  1. #Serial podcast episode 9 summary serial#
  2. #Serial podcast episode 9 summary update#

This case is no different, because Barber’s story constantly changed, to the point where I personally would get him looked at to see if he was a psychopath, or had any association with the murder himself. For example, various facts Jay previously stated were noted to change, in fact, even some of Adnan’s statements changed. In both the Adnan Syed case, and the Justin Wolfe case, stories of witnesses kept changing. The tone really is informative, as that’s mainly what’s occurring in the article. It primarily talks about how the verdict of the case constantly changed, as a man previously who testified against Wolfe, Barber, stated he previously lied and Wolfe had nothing to do with the case, but re-confessing and saying he did.

#Serial podcast episode 9 summary update#

The author wrote the article to inform and update readers on Justin Wolfe’s status as a criminal and why he is currently in prison even after his prosecution ended.

#Serial podcast episode 9 summary serial#

As most articles relating to Serial are, the intended audience was for both listeners of serial, and/or people associated or familiar with the Justin Wolfe case. This took place from when Justin Wolfe was arrested in 2001, to after the 7th episode of Serial was uploaded. In the Justin Wolfe case article, I believe the speaker is the author, Dahlia Lithwick, because there is no other mentioned speaker or author in the article at all. Sarah then shares her thoughts on how Adnan could potentially be a psychopath, however, Deirdre says that “she’s not that lucky to get a charming sociopath on her first case.” I predict in the next episode, they will go more in depth on psychopaths, and perhaps interview one and compare the interview to Adnan’s thoughts and actions. The lawyer’s name is Deirdre Enright, and the both discuss psychopathic tendencies. In episode 7, Sarah meets up with a lawyer involved in another case the Justin Wolfe case. Sarah states that this call is a big problem for Adnan. Afterwards, a woman Adnan was on a call with during the day of the murder, named Nisha, testified to not having a voicemail, despite the fact that Adnan said she did. She stated her side of the story, which would only be compatible if there was a third person involved. In the 6th episode of Serial, Cathy, Jen’s friend, was interviewed and asked what she knew about the case. This to me is a solid statement, because it simply does not make sense to me, especially considering the fact that some of the only evidence they had was fingerprints, which do not have a time stamp on them. If neither Adnan nor Jay can identify who this “third person” is, how can they assure Cathy’s side of the story is reliable? Also, in episode 7, when Deirdre Enright was interviewed, she was baffled as to why he was arrested with such little evidence, which I too agree with. In episode 6, Sarah reviews the case altogether, and also interviews Jen’s friend, Cathy, however, Adnan pointed out that in order for her story to be accurate, there would have to be a third person Adnan was talking to. Both she and Sarah conversed about the possibilities of Adnan being a psychopath, and attempted to resolve the likelihood of this being true.Īs of now, both my group and I are having our doubts about Adnan committing the murder. Last but not least, we met Deirdre Enright, a lawyer from the Justin Wolfe case. Cathy is Jen’s friend who has a different version of the murder, which would have to involve a third person.

serial podcast episode 9 summary

Nisha is Adnan’s friend who was talking to Adnan on the phone after he committed the murder. Obviously I enjoy your podcast about a podcast, pretty cool idea guys.In episode six and seven, we’re introduced to various new character, including Nisha, Cathy, and Deirdre Enright. I feel that it should have been at least an avenue that deserved a closer look. The fact that no one EVER questioned her(and think about it if Jay was lying to protect her he kept her safe and clear from this so he succeeded in his plot to protect her IF there was another scenario that he left out, I’m just saying) now we don’t know anything about their friendship or her personality. We feel that there might be a possibility that if jay lied in his testimony in blaming the murder on Adnan, Why oh why did no one Ever question Jays Girl friend?!? If he were ever going to lie and protect anyone, it would be her. I am happy that some of my students had one of the same questions as I did.

serial podcast episode 9 summary

Podcast and after reviewing evidence etc, they had to come to their own conclusions.

serial podcast episode 9 summary

On the conviction an Adnan Syed, I had to co-teach a mystery murder and our middle school class had to listen to the Serial

Serial podcast episode 9 summary